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Oldschool baby... What Ragga was born from ?

Voice Of Jamaica LP 02

Alva Lewis, Cynthia Richards, Delroy Wilson, Glen Adams, Roy Shirley, Slim Smith, The Sensations, The Uniques, Val Bennett, Winston samuels

Formát: LP
Název: Do The Rock Steady 1966-1968
Label: Voice Of Jamaica
Země: UK
Kategorie: DUB / Ragga, ROCK WAVE PUNK
Styl: Rock Steady
Váha: 0.30 kg

647 Kč

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(doba dodání 4-10 prac. dní)

The Uniques - People Rock Steady

Roy Shirley & Glen Adams - Musical Train

Glen Adams - Hold Down Miss Winey

Cynthia Richards - Forever

The Sensations - Right On Time

Delroy Wilson - Till I Die

The Uniques - The Beatitude

Winston Samuels - Don't Beleive Him

Roy Shirley - Touch Them (Never Let Them Go)

Alva 'Reggie' Lewis - Revelation

Slim Smith - Love & Devotion

Val Bennett - The Russians Are Coming

Glen Adams - Run Come Dance

The Sensations - Long Time Me No See You Girl