
Odběr novinek

After Prince Istari finished the Dub Encounter with Erik Satie, he immediately set to work on expelling the evil curse of artificial intelligence. While the encounter with Satie was guided by the original compositions, this album delves deeper into dub science.

Sozialistischer Plattenbau 12051 LP

Prince Istari

Formát: 12" LP
Název: Prince Istari Rids The World From The Evil Curse Of The A.I.
Label: Sozialistischer Plattenbau
Země: DE
Kategorie: DUB / Ragga
Styl: Dub, Digital Dub
Váha: 0.24 kg

542 Kč

Skladem u distributora
(doba dodání 4-10 prac. dní)

A1 - Curse Of Machine Learning

A2 - Artifical Neural Network

A3 - Large Language Models

A4 - Fake Image

B1 - Haunted By Delusion

B2 - Evil Forces

B3 - I Want Your Data

B4 - Transhuman Feedback Rock