
Odběr novinek

Hardstyle hit on A1... and a superb Flashcore speedcore track on A2... B side is a complete stoned Flashcore experience, with analog and abstract synths, rumbling the brain like a drug after effect... Very good spiced space-core !

Dualkore 04

Manuel Fuentes

Formát: 12"
Název: Boy Amongst kittens
Label: Dualkore
Země: FR
Kategorie: HARDCORE
Styl: Flashcore
Váha: 0.24 kg

288 Kč

Skladem u distributora
(doba dodání 4-10 prac. dní)

Dual Kore 04 A1 : Haggling

Dual Kore 04 A2 : It is Hopeless

Dual Kore 04 B1 : Egyptian Catacombs

Dual Kore 04 B2 : Falling