
Odběr novinek

An experimental mixtape, an intense foretaste for a future LP At the beginning of November, while some were pacing the cemeteries while undergoing the Halloween decor, ten guys, cut for adventure, found themselves in an area usually reserved for scouts for a week of hellish musical creation... Choolers Division invited a few daring comparses, musicians and rappers, to vibrate with their inventive madness in three improvised studios in the middle of the dormitories. MALIFIQUE is the name of this UFO born in the depths of the Ardenne forest, straight out of the nuclear fusion of French and Flemish brains where the facetious poetry of everyday life has been closely linked to some collective and dark hallucinations.


Choolers Allstars

Formát: K7
Název: X-Mas Digital Mixtape Vol 1 : MALIFICKE
Země: FR
Kategorie: HIP HOP
Styl: Abstract Hip Hop
Váha: 0.18 kg

277 Kč

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(doba dodání 4-10 prac. dní)

1 - Collage 1

2 - Oldschool

3 - Maison de Fou

4 - Ambiance Malsaine

5 - Kermis

6 - Collage

7 - Satanic Komodor

8 - Detective Kostia

9 - Dans le ventre d'une baleine

10 - Schroomers

11 - Passive Attack

12 - Collage3

13 - Reblowshsong

14 - sCoÖrrrN

15 - L'amour

16 - Trisofatigue

17 - Collage4

18 - Monsieur Mayonnaise

19 - Syncomatique

20 - Rave

21 - Médiéval

22 - Collage5

23 - W.A.T.C.A.W.D.G.A.F.

24 - Vooruit

25 - Trombonne bourré

26 - Violons d'amour