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This release is part of the Move-E series, and features long time Kniteforce artist Abyss on top form. Always a master of the darker styles, this EP shows he has never lost his tough, with fierce amen edits, huge bass, and the darkness we all crave in our underground jungle sounds...

Kniteforce 273

Abyss, Hack n Slash, Paul Bradley

Formát: 12"
Název: The Nightmare EP
Label: Kniteforce
Země: UK
Styl: Jungle
Váha: 0.24 kg

566 Kč

Skladem u distributora
(doba dodání 4-10 prac. dní)

A - Knitemare (Hack n Slash Mix)

B1 - Absolute Darkness - ft Paul Bradley

B2 - Raw To The Floor