Excellent EP, with 4 tunes into 4 different styles... Including 2 Harfloor tunes, a Techno-tribe 156 BPM track and... A good Spacecore tune from Got X, bringing out a rare fishkopf kind of kick (not as core).
Incorporated 06
Darkland, Got X, Grumothers, Kromatek
Formát: 12"
Název: Nevralkicks
Label: Incorporated
Země: FR
Kategorie: TEKNO / TRIBE
Styl: Tribe, Hardfloor
Váha: 0.24 kg
Název: Nevralkicks
Label: Incorporated
Země: FR
Kategorie: TEKNO / TRIBE
Styl: Tribe, Hardfloor
Váha: 0.24 kg
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