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Hard Mental tribe, very influenced by the nederlandish school... except for the kick... Enjoy the first tune : Hypocrisie Générale. Very Sensory overload style (Number 07 please).

Junk Impulse 04

Keja, Sagsag23, Yarkouy, YFY

Formát: 12"
Název: Hypocrisie Générale
Label: Junk Impulse
Země: FR
Kategorie: TEKNO / TRIBE
Styl: Tribecore
Váha: 0.24 kg

211 Kč

Skladem u distributora
(doba dodání 4-10 prac. dní)

Junk Impulse 04A1 : hypocrisie generale

Junk Impulse 04 A2 : putin de gouvernement

Junk Impulse 04 B1 : revolution permanente

Junk Impulse 04 B2 : c' est mieux l